Sunday, December 12, 2010

Rain Rain go away

We have been having a doozy of a rain. I wore my rain boots to church. Totally tacky but there are big puddles everywhere & I do not like the feel of wet socks and pants. We got home to find out that our basement has flooding due to the rain. This happened once 3 years ago. I remember being very pregnant with Addie and wading through it in my rainboots and trying to dry the floor with towels. It was a wet mess! Drying out the floor and walls was expensive and required a professional. We sucked up the water with a wet vac, then they pulled back the carpets, ran professional dehumidifiers for a few weeks,  measured the humidity down there, put little holes into the walls to make sure the walls were not retaining water and rotting, etc. And now it looks like we get to do it all over again.  Keep in mind also that we have renters who live down there. So it is not like it is just a storage space that is rarely used, it is their bedroom, living room, etc we are talking about. I do not recommend owning a basement in the Greenwood neighborhood :(

1 comment:

  1. Bummer about the flooding...but I have to say rainboots to church = not tacky--rainboots are great all the time!
