There were lots of fun activities like races where you roll the hot-dog mat in front of you
the parachute
Running & knocking over the cheese mat
I am not sure if Matt is doing the funky chicken of what, but both he & Etta were having fun
bouncing on the air-track
all the helping hands of us moms
Addie was so excited to blow out her candles that she did not bother waiting
until the "Happy Birthday" song was over :)We asked people not to bring gifts for Addie, but instead if they wanted they could bring an unwrapped gift to donate to Treehouse (an organization that has services for foster children). Addie will be getting plenty of gifts for Christmas and her birthday from family, and still had a few new things the day of her party so was perfectly happy. People donated some cool things. One truly thoughtful, generous person donated a digital camera. Or at least we think they did. The other option is that they intended for it to be a gift for their cousin Sue, then they inadvertently left it at Little Gym. We waited to donate it just in case someone sheepishly inquired about it, but no one did. So now I am just left thinking: how incredibly thoughtful that gift was: foster kids go from one place to another & pictures are a wonderful way for them to remember the different families they were with and document their life since their parents might not be.
So fun! Looks like everyone was having a great time. Wish we could have been there! And the picture of Matt doing the funky chicken is hillarious!