Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Growing up so fast

Evidence lately that my girls are getting older:

-Etta is transitioning from 2 naps to 1. Addie did this same transition around 14-15 months I think. But I think this happened a little sooner with Etta because of our morning co-op schedule. Morning naps were often cut short so she was already learning to cope without an hour long morning nap. She is really sleepy and wanting a nap around 11, but that is too early to start her only nap because we can not realistically do that on co-op days since we dont get home until 11:45 & still need to eat lunch. Plus, much to my chagrin her one nap has not been a marathon 3 hour nap. It feels lucky to get 2 hours from her or have her nap past 2. But, and this is big, she has been sleeping in in the mornings. Sometimes until 8 or even 8:30. And her 2 hour crying awake spells at night have been drastically reduced in there frequency (although they are not yet entirely a thing of the past).

-Etta has been weaned with no complaints or nostalgia on her part it seems. The transition happened a lot faster with her than when I was weaning Addie. Etta nursed out of habit at certain times of the day it seemed, and even though I have always been a good milk-producer, she would want a snack within half an hour of nursing. So it kind of felt like a waste of time, even though I know it was good for her & good bonding time. But she would get easily distracted & want to play if she heard the slightest noise from her daddy or big sister. If she had seemed resistant to giving it up or had indicated that she wanted to nurse, I would have continued a little while longer. She has not shown any fondness for cows milk, but Addie did not until she was around 2 & her pediatrician said that was fine as long as she was getting dairy in other forms & was growing well. So I am not concerned, because let me tell you: Etta loves cheese. Besides "dog", "cheese" is one of the words she says most clearly. It is pretty dang cute.

-Addie was at a day camp today at Little Gym from 9-12 without me. Even though on Fridays she is at co-op without me, this seemed like a really big deal. The ratio was totally different there: there were 3 or 4 staff but a good 20+ kids. And although she had her bday party there, Addie has not had a class there since spring, so the teachers faces were not familiar to her at all. So although I was nervous, she did great.

-Addie turns 3 this Sat but is already outgrowing most of her size 3 clothes. Her feet do not seem to be keeping pace with her growth in height though, they are still pretty small it seems. Oh, to be tall with small feet: the wish of many a grown woman!

And evidence that I seem to be unsure of my own age:
-I was hanging out with the middle & high-schoolers yesterday at my 8am appt at the orthodontist. As I lay on the chair & looked to my right then my left it was sleepy kids in their high-school sweatshirts all around me. I was not sure if I stuck out as the old lady of the group or if I blended right in. And today I saw a young girl with braces and I wanted to give her a big smile with my own braces "look, I am just like you" (only 20 years older!).

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