Monday, December 6, 2010

Better late than never

So I have been feeling like I have been falling behind on my blogging. But then I was looking through my pictures trying to remember what I intended to blog about & never did. I think our visit to my parents house over Halloween never got the picture representation it should have. So here goes:

and a little comparison to Addie eating her one year birthday cupcake at their house.
 (I planned for the bib & chair to be the same. But the yellow sippy was coincidence believe it or not)
Now back to the present (or at least the more recent).
 And here is my sister Cheryl 4 days before having baby Lauren.
I think I look bigger than that 2 months before having my babies.
No visit is complete without riding on the bus with Papa Wally.

Did I warn you that there are always tons of pictures after visiting Vancouver?
There are more to share if you are still looking :)
 They are all smiling and looking the same direction
(so the camera must have been in the wrong place because obviously
 there was something interesting elsewhere).
 Getting driving lessons from Papa
(ok, I am getting lazy - in my defense the picture was oriented correctly when I selected it...)
 Waiting for their green light
But what's this, a pantless Asa going the wrong way?!

Looking back through the pictures I am truly shocked to find not a single picture of one of my girls with the chickens or collecting eggs. I thought those pictures were mandatory. Mom, if you are reading this please do not feel the need to make up for that omission by taking twice as many next time!

Cousin Aubree was sick so the girls did not get play time with her. And her baby sister had not made her appearance yet (ha! so much for due dates!). So we are really looking forward to seeing them at Christmas (which is only a few weeks away really).

ok, I am caught up on my pictures.
This Sat. Addie is having a birthday party. We are having her very first friends party & it is going to be at Little Gym. It should be tons of fun for both girls & I hope to have some good pictures to share.
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1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the last picture of Etta! Her bangs are so cute and she sure does not look like a baby any more!
