October has started off great here. The weather is cooling slightly and there is a slight breeze. It is not what I would call brisk yet (although our renter Heather may disagree seeing as how she is used to the heat of Reno. She was wearing a fleece lined hoody when she left for work the other morning and I started sweating just looking at her). Anyways, the sun has been out and it is beckoning us to come out & play while we can. Our neighborhood park is having construction work done on it & they will be putting new play equipment in. So we may be taking walks there basically every day it is not raining so we can see the progress. Look the dirt has moved! One of the men is not wearing a hard hat! So much for Addie to see & comment on or ask endless questions about.
When we were at the park the other day we were running towards the crows to make them fly away. Greatly amusing to Etta who loves birds & dogs & such. Addie said she was scaring them, then she announced that she was a scarecrow! I love the way her mind works.
Coffee shops are showing the change of season too. I bought my first egg nog latte of the season. I know that sounds crazy early but I was just so surprised they had it that I could not resists. Spiced cider, pumpkin bread, gingerbread lattes, those things I can easily pass up. But egg nog lattes (cut with skim milk so I have the taste but not the thickness & all the fat) have my number.
We have all started wearing our corduroys too. Nothing like cozy cords, a sweater on over a tanktop, and sunglasses for a fall walk.
Here is Addie showing her fall colors
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