Friday, October 1, 2010

Me find some things me want for my birthday

It has begun.

Addie is looking through my Parenting magazine (which I do not intend to renew when the subscription is up, even though it is so dang cheap) which is filled with Fischer Price, etc ads. She is pointing & saying "me want this, and this, this, this." When we were reading a book to her the other night she saw that the character had a red wagon for hauling his books & stuffed animals with, and she voiced her desire for one. I already have a bunch of gift ideas for her as well, so present ideas for her should abound. Etta, on the other hand, just wants whatever her sister has. We have plenty of toys & clothes for her to grow into. What does a 1 year old girl with a big sister need? Lots of things would make her happy, but I do not want to fill the house with battery operated toys that make music...

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