Sunday, July 29, 2012

The funny things Addie says

At 4 1/2 Miss Addie has lots of questions as she tries to figure out the world. She asks about death and we recently had a conversation about natural disasters (which I tried to keep non-scary while still honest but she had a few minutes of fear & being near-tears when she realized that bad things can happen which we have no power to prevent or predict). Here are a few of her funny statements lately.

"I'm doing 20 miles of good poo-poo"

"Is that something Jesus told you?" (asking about eating healthy & why we try not to blacken our food before consuming it)

"I would like this house when you die. And your clothes and shoes."

"I love Lion more than you. I love you. But I love Lion more."

"I don't like your body mommy" followed by "I don't like your attitude" (basically this is her saying she does not want to follow directions and listen to me)

"when you die, do I get to tell Aunt Becky? I will tell her where you are buried."

"And I was like, no!" (This cracked Matt & I up because of the word "like". It sounded so teenager!)

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