Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lots of pictures!

We were in Vancouver over the weekend celebrating my little sister Diane's 30th birthday! 
This is kind of a big deal if you think of it in the reverse. 
Us 4 girls are all 30 or older. 
Which means the next big birthday milestone for us is (gulp!) 40!

There are tons of fun pictures to share so I will do lots of pictures but few words

 I think my dad must have been pinching kids and making them cry so pictures would get done sooner :)

There was a slip & slide, a sprinkler, a small kiddy pool and a larger kid pool. 
Addie had ample opportunities to show off her mermaid tendencies.

 It was in the 80s.
 It was a wonderful change to the tepid temperatures we had in Seattle leading up to that weekend. 
But pregnant Leah appreciates shade and cold water on the feet :)

 Homemade ice cream is fun to make...
 and really yummy to eat!
Etta has since been telling me that she wants to go back to their house so we can make ice cream.
She is usually not a big ice cream fan because it is cold. 
But this was a nice soft-serve like texture that she really liked,
We decided to empty out the little pool, refill it with bubble water & give the kids one more chance to play in the water while also getting clean. It was a little tight on space but still fun!

A picture where all the kids are looking somewhat the same direction and there are no tears? 
It took a full day of fun in the sun, water play, ice cream, strawberry shortcake, and outdoor bathtime, but I think they were worn out enough that they could sit still and smile!

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