Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Grumble grumble grumble

It feels like one of those days. One of those days where I try hard to be a good mom but my patience is very thin. One of those days when things are just not going my way. It might not be quite as extreme as "alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day" but then again the day is not done yet.

It snowed last night. Snow is pretty but the city of Seattle seems truly scared to leave the house in it or if they do leave the house they are pathetic drivers. I know that is a big blanket statement. I know I can not claim to have years of experience with driving in the snow. I know the weather in Portland where I grew up is very similar to this. But yet it is not. Where my family lived we had freezing rain and black ice we had to deal with. And we safely did. Sure we avoided driving if we could, but a couple inches of snow did not seem to bring the city to a standstill. I lived in CO in Aug-Dec during a year of college. People in CO drive in snow all the time. I learned to drive in it. I spun out once but no one was hurt, no damage was done, it made me more cautious and aware.
Plus, and this is big: it was not snowing this morning, it was raining. The rain had been falling and making mush of the snow for hours. Yet Seattle Public Schools were on 2 hr late start and that meant Addies co-op class was cancelled.
I love co-op, I love being in class with her, so "snow" days that are not truly snowy are disappointing to me. It is not like we could play in the nasty wet slushy snow. So no class today.

Plus my body is really tired because I did not sleep well last night. Etta has been sleeping in great in the mornings, but that is her way of compensating for her 2 hr awake & crying stretches at night. We are still not over those. And to make it worse, we have to repeatedly go in and check on her. Having diarrhea has meant poopy diapers over night (which has not been an issue for months & months). We cant just leave her in a poopy diaper because then it is against her skin all night and makes her diaper rash flare up. And that is not pleasant for her.

So my body is sore because even with earplugs in I can hear her some and my body was tense because I was wondering about the snow and Etta's diaper and such.

So I corralled the girls out of the house so I did not go crazy. We got to the grocery store and had to park up top. So we can take the elevator or the stairs down. Elevators make my head a little sick so I avoid them when possible. So we did the stairs. Which took forever because Addie was wearing rain boots because of the slush but she does not walk good in rain boots. At the top of the stairs she saw one of those car-style shopping carts with steering wheels that 2 kids can ride in and she wanted to use it. But the seat was wet and it would have required using the elevator so I told her we would look for one when we got down the stairs. But there were no shopping cars down there. They were all outside and were all wet. So I could put Etta in a wet cart, or go back upstairs for a cart, or carry Etta. Since I was only going to get 2 things and since neither was heavy or bulky I decided to carry her. Which was not good on my sore body. I had thought that maybe sugar would make my day go a little better (it would not help my blood sugar or my effort to lose the baby weight still on me, but it might improve my mood). So I was thinking if Addie asked nicely for a treat I would buy one since I sometimes, but not always, do for her. But she did not ask. Better for our health, but I was still in a crummy mood.

So then we went to the library. I had decided that the librarians are always super friendly so instead of doing my own searching on the shelves or the online database, I would ask for help. I want to start reading books to Addie about fears/monsters in the closet, etc since that is something we are dealing with a bit. A perfect little request for an experienced helpful childrens librarian. Except it was this lady's first day on the job. Literally. She tried to help but the books she came back with had freaky looking monsters on them. The books were aimed at older kids and since so much of fears can be visual, cute pictures are much preferred over ugly scary monsters. So thanks but no thanks. I will search on my own after all.

We got home and ate lunch. That went fairly well and it is always a god idea to get fruit and protein into my body. Then I needed to take a bday card out to the mailbox before the mailman came. So slish slosh out I went while the girls played inside. I came back after about 90 seconds and Addie hands me a super sharp large broken-off piece of wood (looks like it came from a dowel plus has a red handle on it) and told me Etta had it. Panic! Thanks goodness Addie is both smart and careful and took it gently from Etta. Seriously, though, how did that happen in that 1 minute I was gone and where on earth did the piece come from? I searched and realized it came from a child-size wooden rolling pin of theirs. It is a mystery to me how it broke, but at least no damage was done.

My bad mood needs to get better. I may need to artificially stimulate it with coffee (which I already tried this morning). I may need to help my sore body with ibuprofen, which I already tried with no clear effect this morning. I may need sugar for a mood lift, but then I might have a mood dip too. Could we just fast forward through this day or something please?! I know I am feeling sorry for myself. But I need to get it all off my chest and move on. The girls are both napping. I want to too. But my phone rings and the garbage trucks clank by and a siren goes past. Literally. these things are all happening. Maybe I should bake some cookies instead of nap? I am going to attempt it again. 20 minutes of quiet rest is all I truly need.

No luck. My brain does not want to settle down. So  a few more minutes under my warm blanket and then it is time to get up. Maybe being productive will help me feel better about my day.


  1. Been there Leah! Feel your pain of a bad day. Hope tomorrow is a better one!!

  2. oh, honey!! AND I barge into your house while you are trying to nap just to go to the bathroom!!!! Horrible! You should have thrown things at me. I hope it got better after all this and you don't hate me forever... I love you!!! Feel better!! Your (maybe) friend Becky

  3. :( I'm sorry you had a bad day. Hope today goes better! I was sad to read about Etta's rotavirus... Ransom got sick... more with Ellie's symptoms... several days after coming back too! It was like there was some disease reservoir that all the little ones caught somehow.

  4. The monsters-in-the-closet comments made me think of Monster's Inc. I have no idea if you've started to let Addie watch movies or if she's at an age to where Monster's Inc would be helpful (my guess is that 3 years old is a bit young...), but after watching Monster's inc when it came out I always thought it could be potentially helpful for older kids dealing with monsters-in-the-closet fears since the monsters are so nice :).
