Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Addie's 3 yr Stats.

34 lbs (76%)
38 1/4 (76%)
and they no longer do head measurements at this age, but they do take her blood pressure -
she is at a healthy 80/60

I am actually surprised she is in the 76% for weight. I know she is tall but she is thin. But I guess the weight is spread all across her long body :)
Now if only her feet would have a slight growth spurt so I could safely say goodbye to some of the grubby shoes she wears everyday :)

In other news, we (The Dr & I that is) think Etta might have Rotavirus. She was vaccinated for it when she was young, but I guess that is not a 100% life long immunity. Don't worry, she is not contagious unless other kids eat her poop (gross!). I am very diligent about washing my hands (in fact they are constantly dry & chapped because they get washed so much). But she got some germs from somewhere & she got some yucky bugs in her tummy & her good bugs need to be restored. Her only symptom has been diarrhea; no fever, no vomiting, no lethargy. She has been in a perfectly happy mood... until we change her diaper. Which happens a lot when there is diarrhea. All the wiping led to a truly truly nasty painful diaper rash. So the poor girl has had an ouchy bum for quite a few days. Hopefully we can put this behind (ha, ha!) us soon.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about Etta! Ellie had a very high fever for several days (starting the day we got back from Seattle) - 103.9 at one point! I took her to the doctor and she thought it might be a uti so took a urine sample (cathater!). Anyway, that came back negative and her fever went away and we never saw any symptoms. Who knows what it was. Hope Etta's feeling better soon!
