Saturday, November 20, 2010

It's beginning to sound a lot like Christmas

I had Matt pull the Christmas boxes from the attic this week. My reasoning was that I needed to know what wrapping paper I had and what I needed to buy since I am going to buy my paper online through Sally Foster to support the girls co-op.

I am so glad we pulled the boxes out because there is so much fun stuff for the girls to explore and play with, and they only have about a month to do that before it will be the new year & we will pack up the Christmas box again.

Here are some of the things the girls discovered:

-books, books & more books. Some of these tell the Christmas story so are great for acting out with the Nativity set. Others have paper pages so must be kept out of Etta's reach. One has no words, only pictures. But their favorite has an easy-to-push button with a Santa-like voice saying "Merry Christmas". I'm reminding myself to be thankful that I do not need to hear that all year, only for about a month.

-a Little People Nativity set

-an Advent calendar shaped like a Christmas tree

-a reindeer (I had to convince Addie that it was a reindeer not a bear or something) When I told her about Rudolph, she said "like at the Drs office". I vaguely remember, but she clearly remembers, a stuffed animal at the Drs office with a nose that glows.

-Christmas cd's (now of course I have these copied over to Media Center so I could play them year round if I wanted, but cd's cases look like books and beg to be opened)

-jingle bells (speaking of which, I have not heard them for 24 hours or more, I wonder where Addie stashed them to keep them away from Etta). These are not technically jingle bells, they are bells you are supposed to wear when hiking to keep bears away. But I don't think Matt would eve agree to wear them hiking & the girls think they are a great Christmas necklace. Last year Addie wore a fuzzy white faux fur coat and the jingle bells to church and it was pretty dang cute.

-an angel nightlight that changes colors, thus illuminating Addie's room in a way that I would find totally distracting if I were trying to sleep in there

There is now eggnog and cranberries in our fridge. Snow is on the forecast for Seattle. Hooray for the holidays!

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