Monday, November 22, 2010

Holiday Greetings

This week my good friend Katie is going to take family picture for us. Katie & her husband have a really good professional quality camera & equipment since they do some wedding photography. What is best about this arrangement is that it is free! Katie gives it as her Christmas present to us. (Thank you Katie!) I know some people get cute shots of their kids from photo place at the mall, but I so much prefer having the pictures taken in the comfort of our home by someone the girls know. I also tend to like the more relaxed pictures instead of the poses.

But I lack the time, motivation and creativity to create our own Christmas cards from scratch. And I am not to the point of wanting to do a newsletter listing all the big events for the year. So we, along with the majority of our friends and family it seems, do photo cards from an online provider. And why not? If they are good quality cards from a well known place like Shuttefly, it is worth it!  Last year we did stationary cards on "cardstock" paper. I want to do it again this year for sure. I try to write notes on the back of each card so they are personalized, but with the glossy paper the writing leave bumps all over the picture. Shutterfly has same super cute stationary cards to choose from! There are so many great ones, how do I chose? Usually Matt & I like to pick our favorite photos from the photo shoot with Katie and see how many we can squeeze on the card. If we are doing 4 pictures this year we might choose or if I do this style I can do some brief info about the girls without writing a full newsletter. Ha! This is so clever you can have your top 10 moments of the year printed directly on the cards.

Ok I have GOT to stop looking now. It sucks me in. It is snowing outside right now so I want to go out & play with Addie.

Check this out "We can stamp and mail any quantity of individual cards directly to your recipients for an additional $0.99 domestic or $1.49 international per card." What a time-saver! If I was not wanting to do individual messages on cards, I would totally consider this.

Look at all they have to offer!

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