Thursday, August 5, 2010

Looking for creative ways to use all those zucchini from your garden?

Zucchini chocolate chip cookies? Tried them, yum!
Zucchini in the meatloaf? I hear it is quite moist & tasty!
Zucchini pureed for baby food? But of course!
Running out of ideas?
Try making a few zucchini cars & holding races!

At our farmers market last week they had all the supplies set out, including a box of moderatly sized zucchini (if I were doing this at home I would be tempted to use my baseball-bat size ones & give them 8 wheels or so).  Addie loved this project. They had a race track set up with three lanes (divided by short walls) and a stick you removed from the top when it was start time. I don't think her zucchini ever won a race. It skidded along the side; it needed extra pushes; after numerous trips down it needed a wheel re-attached; but she really enjoyed it. We raced it some & then I suggested we go over to the slides so she (not her zucchini) could go downhill. She went down the slide a few times then was back to the zucchini track.

(yes, I am aware of the fact that her tank top is inside-out in these pictures. 
When she dresses herself it is quite rare for things to be on the correct feet or facing the right direction. 
I care sometimes, she cares rarely. 
You are also very perceptive and noticed that her hair looks a little different? 
There is a post coming up about that...)

My zucchini is not overwhelming me yet this year. As a matter of fact, I am under-whelmed so far. Each year I almost look forward to the onslaught of zucchini because it seems to be the one thing that will come in vast quantities despite the tepidly warm Seattle summer weather. I roll my eyes when I talk about zucchini plants but I also have some misplaced pride in their ability to thrive. Speaking of thriving, my tomato plants are getting crazy big. They smell so good right after a rain or being watered. How do the tomatoes taste, you ask?   I am no where near to knowing, my plants are still in the small- flowers stage. No green orbs yet.

1 comment:

  1. My zucchini are not doing well this summer either!! A lot of them are getting a yellow mushy end before I can cut them off. They are getting soft ends while still under 10" long. If I cut them as soon as I notice a problem then I can still use the green part and it's fine. I've never had this problem before. I suspect the fault lies in some heavy "hot" mulch that dad laid. (I had to scrape it off the dirt around my strawberries.) We have tomato showing but all are green and small yet. The corn is hip high. Peppers are starting, green beans are forming, broccoli is doing very little, lettuce and herbs are plentiful. The blueberries are done. We have very little (almost zero) fruit on the trees this year. (unlike last year when we had thousands of cherries and lots of apples, pears and plums.) I saw the mason bees busy this spring so I don't know what the problem was??
