Monday, August 30, 2010

Bremerton Vacation - ferry ride

Ok, I am having issues with getting all my photos to upload at once
so I am going to break this into a couple of posts.
When we were trying to decide on a vacation spot we wanted something that was fairly local because we did not want a long drive. We also wanted a ferry boat ride. After ruling out the San Yuans, Bremerton was recommended and we decided that it fit our criteria just right!
Here are pictures of the new haircut :)
Etta decided she wanted to take a turn driving the car. I had actually gone to the car with her to try to nurse her, but these days she thinks there are much better things to do in the car than nurse (or nap). 
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  1. Great haircut Leah! Wow - the girls are looking so grown up. Hope to see you soon. Kari

  2. Your hair looks really good! It makes me want to chop mine off.
