Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Marston family reunion

This weekend we had a family reunion at a lodge near Mt Rainier. A big thanks to May for sharing the pictures she took. If any other family members took some pictures, please share! No one even attempted a group shot: there were almost 30 adults, 10 kids and 3 babies, plus there are 3 babies-on-the-way due in January (don't worry there are 3 different moms, not triplets). It was really nice to have time with the group all together. We see some, but not all, of these people at Christmas time as well. A big thank you to those who drove or flew from places like Pullman, Boise and beyond.

And now for the pictures:

Our car stopped at Alder Lake for some playtime before going to the lodge...
Addie in the classic childrens summer pose: bum in the sand, hands busy at work

Etta normally loves water but was not such a fan of this particular water. 
She preferred being an observer like her mama.

Pictures of some cuties & their relationship to us:
these first two you should recognize

Camilla (she is Matt's cousin Paula's sweet 1 year old)

Camilla with Serena
(Serena is the youngest of the 4 Pook kids. Their mom Camille  is Matt's cousin. 
I used to babysit the 4 of them and also worked as an assistant to their dad Jon)

(his mom Janelle is Matt's cousin)

Ellie (Matt's brother Mike's little peanut)

Sam (Matt's "cousin" Susy's daughter)

Maya (Addie's favorite dog) & Stewie (a very cute little puppy)

Etta trying to either kiss or eat Maya

Matt & Addie went on a hike with some family.

  TJ (Susy's older daughter) & her dad Steve went on the hike too.
 Addie was in the pack most of the time, but I hear that TJ walked almost the entire time. 

And now for a parting shot of the splendors of the Pacific Northwest.
Can anyone name that mountain?

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