Saturday, May 25, 2013

Willa is 8 months

And in these pictures she is wearing an 18 month white onesie to accomodate her cloth diaper.
So she still has a looog body!

She also still has a full head of hair which continues to lighten in color
it is also losing a bit of its curl :(
Fountain ponytails spout from her head most days :)

She is still our super happy smiley sweetheart.
And she is sleeping through the night (7:30 or 8 until 6 or 7). woohoo!

She army-crawls amazingly fast when she sees something (small, shiny and potentially hazardous)
or someone she wants.
She is able to get herself into hands-and-knees but is at the stalling in that position or
 rocking forward and falling stage.
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1 comment:

  1. O MY WORD - Willa, you are SOOOOO cute! And I can't believe how much you've grown! xoxox

    Aunt Becka
