Sunday, September 9, 2012

An overdue update

I am overdue. Baby has not come yet. There is your update!

Let's see... the good news is that I have been getting lots of walks in: especially Greenlake & Discovery Park as I try to get some hill-climbs in to motivate baby. So although they have not done the trick, the exercise is good for me.

At my appointment on Thursday she swept my membranes. I felt crummy all day after that. But feeling crummy is different than having contractions and being in labor.

My next appointment is this coming Tuesday and they made me schedule an ultrasound as well. It is standard practice at 41 weeks because they want to make sure everything looks good. They would also be willing to discuss induction with me at that point. At 42 weeks induction will happen whether I like it or not. I do not want to be induced and sincerely hope baby comes before that. But at this point I can understand why people would want to be induced or have a scheduled c-section. Just knowing when things are going to happen must be so great. The not knowing is driving me crazy. More so this time than with the past two I think.

Also driving me crazy? The fact that baby is head-down and has been for over a month, but that she still has a tiny bit of room to wiggle. I can understand that she wants to move, but when she shifts her bum and body it really does not feel good. Although she is head-down, she has not dropped. So her head can rotate a bit too. Not comfortable. She bumps into things I would rather have left alone. :)

Driving me the most crazy? The comments of strangers (and some well-meaning friends). Stranger at Safeway "is there more than one in there?" Checker at Safeway on hearing that I am over-due "If it makes you feel better, my mom's Dr let me stay in her until she was 3 weeks over-due". Nope, I don't want to hear that. Nor do I really enjoy hearing "I did not think you could get any bigger. But you did!" My self-esteem is not flying high these days.

Despite how big I look, I was measuring 40 at my appointment so there have been no more comments about baby possibly being big. Midwife even said that baby's head felt small (in a good way - big heads have got to be more painful to push out!).

So there you are. Hopefully my next post about her is announcing her birth. I really do want to hold her and meet her!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your update, I'm so excited for you to soon have your baby and can't wait to see pictures to her (and hopefully meet her as soon as possible as well!)! I will pray for a smooth, safe, and speedy delivery.
