Tuesday, August 9, 2011

In the garden this sunny week

Green beans: ha! Matt picked 3 tonight and that is all we may ever get

Zucchini: we have picked 3 or 4 so far; the plant is healthy but not a monster

Raspberries: coming towards the end of them

Tomatoes: we are starting to get some cherry tomatoes, the rest are a ways off. We tried the bushes in the front of the house this year. They are healthy and not as monstrously huge as last year (which is a good thing because last year the plants put too much energy into growing tall and not enough into growing tomatoes!).

We have given up on the bell peppers and I do not know if we will get any cucumbers.

1 comment:

  1. We had the same experience the year we did green beans. 3 at a time :). We've got TONS of big green tomatoes right now. Just waiting for them to turn red! We've never had any luck with peppers, although one of our plants has a good size pepper on it right now - we'll see if it turns red like it's supposed to. And our zucchini is covered in squash bugs so we are digging it up :(. Sad.
