Sunday, June 26, 2011

Addie is 3 1/2

Saturday was Addie's half birthday. She had a good day but seemed slightly disappointed that her half birthday was not an even bigger deal with more presents and candles and a party with friends. I had to explain that most families don't even celebrate half birthdays. Maybe next year we will need to change things around to make full birthdays and half birthdays more distinct. But she does not get to do all the special things she likes on her actual birthday since on Christmas Day we are usually out of town and everyone is getting gifts & special attention, not just her.

Anyways, Sat started off with bacon and blueberry pancakes. Then I went to the toy store with her to get something to send in the mail to friends. [Have I mentioned that our favorite neighbors moved to CA? The family with twin girls and a boy all around Addie's age moved earlier this week. We chose some stickers and things to send to their new house.We will miss them!] From there we met up with Matt & Etta and walked through the Greenwood car show. Addie saw a friend there and got to go on a bouncy slide, see some cute kittens,  climb on an old firetruck and old bus, hear street music, look at old cars, people watch, etc plus we got to go down the middle of the street where cars usually go! We also happened upon a sale at the shoe store and got a new pair of purple shoes for her growing feet! The whole time she was on her tricycle. She was pedaling, but it also has a push-bar for me to steer with. No ankles were damaged, but there were some close calls. We got food from a local cafe for lunch. After naps we went to an ice cream shop. Addie loved her chocolate ice cream and cone. Etta liked the waffle cone but not the ice cream.

Then we had fun playtime in the yard while Matt grilled dinner. After dinner Addie got to open her presents. She got some Zoo themed Duplo Legos and a pajama dress set (one for her, one for Lion).

Did I mention that she wanted us to put 3 candles in her ice cream cone?! Have I also mentioned that her absolute favorite thing to wear is her jean overall shorts? The other morning when Etta said "me", Addie said to her "Etta when you say "me" then you go to the speech therapist and you learn to say "I" !  She makes us laugh!

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