Friday, May 6, 2011

Etta's 18 month stats

Weight: 23 lbs (30%)
Height: 31 (35%)
Head: 18 1/2 (75%)

I have started pulling out the 24 month and 2t clothes for Etta. As I pull them out I think "how are you big enough for these? It seems like Addie just outgrew them!" Which I know isn't technically true because Addie was in size 3 clothes by 2 1/2 so she probably started wearing the 24 month even before 18 months since she is so tall. But it does feel like the time has gone by fast.

1 comment:

  1. that's hilarious that Rhett has 7 lbs on her...I have been pulling out 24 month and 2t clothes too--crazy!! and a little sad
