I made some cocoa-banana cupcakes to celebrate. It started off with me noticing that we had bananas that were past their prime. So I was going to make banana bread. Then I realized the timing was right for having a treat to celebrate Etta's half birthday, so I decided to make banana muffins instead. Then I was trying to think of a way to make things a little more birthday festive. Cocoa instead of chocolate chips makes things look special. So the semi-healthy banana bread idea morphed into cocoa-banana cupcakes, which were screaming for some cream cheese frosting so I had to comply!
Etta decided that she wanted to be dressy today. She got lots of compliments on her dress. Note that technically this is actually an Addie-sized shirt with ruffles on the bottom, but Etta is already starting the age-old tradition of raiding big sisters closet!
Here she is at 12 months
6 months
A little about Etta at 18 months:
-she is using the potty at home numerous times a day. She did great at my parents house over the weekend too. Obviously she is still in a diaper full time, but I sure appreciate the ease of wiping a bum that went poo in the potty instead of a diaper.
-she loves attention. LOVES it. She loves to smile and say hi to complete strangers. She likes to dance and spin for people.
-she is pretty physical. Loves to give hugs (while saying "hug"). Would prefer to be carried a lot more than I let her be.
-is (finally!!!) sleeping through the night every night. Still naps great. Falls asleep well on her own.
-is a great little eater. Loves her fruits and veggies (must have got that from her daddy!)
-wants to be 3 years old. Tries to do everything her sister does. Puts on her own pants. Takes off her shirts. Colors and climbs and runs and screams ("no" is her favorite word to scream).
-is strong-willed. She can scream and throw fits to rival the best 2 year old. She can be really great at following directions and obeying, but she can also make it very clear when she has no intention of doing what you want.
-is a tough little cookie. Handles pain pretty well (including teething pain). Can take the tickle-monster (Tom her uncle) for 20 minutes straight and keep coming back for more even when her sister and 3 year old cousin have moved on.
Happy half birthday Etta! You're getting so big! See you on Sunday :) :)