Thursday, September 2, 2010

65th Street Co-op

Both Etta & Addie will be starting co-op preschool in Sept. I had both girls names on waiting lists for this & one other co-op. I honestly felt like it was too early for Etta to start, but I knew Addie's chances of getting in would be better if Etta was in. And that was the way it worked. I got a call saying that there was a spot in the infant class for Etta. There was also a spot in the 2's class. So if I enrolled Etta, Addie's spot on the wait list would jump to the top & she could take the open spot in the 2's class. I took a few days to think it over. Being in a co-op means the parent is involved, and I wanted to be sure I felt ready to commit my time and energy.

This seemed like a really good time to join because
1) it is the start of the school year. That seems a better time to join then mid-way through the year when relationships have already formed and everyone else is familiar with the teacher & routine.
2) it is a brand new location (no longer on 65th). Since the spot is new to everyone we will all be learning where things are stored or which door children try to escape out of.

The new location is really close to our house. I have walked there by myself, but not within the girls in the double stroller yet. It is doable, but I know realistically I will drive most mornings due to rain, the time involved in walking, etc. The co-op is right by our new favorite park, Soundview (otherwise known as Uncle Myron's baseball park because his church softball tram played their games there & we met up with him & Lori there a few times to "watch").

I have gone to the new location twice to help with the unpacking of pods, cleaning of the space, organizing, etc. So although I am doubtful I will remember names, hopefully not all faces will be new to me :)

With saying yes to co-op, I had to say no to Little Gym. Addie loved Little Gym and part of me was sad to take her out of that. But I knew I could not realistically do both (and financially I would not want to either). Again, though, it seemed like a good transition time. Addie's favorite teacher moved to a new little gym location. I know Addie would have fun with a different teacher, but that is the one she was really attached to. Also, if I were to have kept her in Little Gym for the entire school year, she would have moved up to the next class in January. At that age, the parents are not in the class interacting with the children like they do for the younger kids. And I still wanted to be a part of something with her, not just watching but playing too. If I had kept her in Little Gym I also would have needed to decide what I should do with Etta. As in, where would she be when Addie & I were in class. But also, would I enroll her in Little Gym too? Addie started at one year old. Etta will be one in Oct!

So yes to both girls in co-op it is!

One of the best things about 65th Street Co-op is that they have a sibling care room. When I am in class with one girl, the other is a few doors down playing with other siblings. There are many benefits to this including that is is going to be cheaper than having a babysitter or nanny come to my house to watch one child.

So here is our school year schedule
Monday - Etta's class from 10-11:30; with Addie in the sibling care room
Wednesday- Addie's class from 9:30-11:30
Friday - Addie's class from 9:30-11:30
on either Wed or Fri (not sure which yet) I will be in class with Addie & Etta will be in the sibling care room. On the other day, I will drop Addie off. I will then have two hours with just Etta. This might be a good time to get errands done. What I am thinking I really need to do, though, is have that be my dedicated gym time & Etta can be in childcare at the gym. I dropped my gym membership a while back since I never went. My pants & muffin top are telling me it is time to re-commit and join a gym again.

The 9:30 start time of Addie's class will be a little tricky because that is in the middle of Etta's nap. But I know realistically that Etta's nap schedule will probably be changing mid-way through the year as she transition to one nap. Until then, I may just have to keep her awake longer in the morning & put her down for a nap in the sibling care room. Or just give her a short nap at home beforehand if she starts the day at 6am.

I am sure I will have a lot to share about co-op throughout the year: cute kids in Etta's class, fun projects or field trips Addie does, and hopefully not any stories about kids who bite & bully or mom's who drive me crazy :)

In other "school" related news: Matt & I will be working in Addie's 2's class at church once a month. We are looking forward to doing this together & hopefully getting some deeper relationships with parents of other kids Addie's age.

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