Sunday, April 18, 2010

Happy Etta

In two weeks I will be posting with her 6 month stats! But for now, here are some pictures of Miss Etta Rose

She loves to be naked, she loves her toes, she loves to squirm & she loves to sing (squeal)

I can't wait until she can sit up on her own & join Addie in the big bathtub,
 because bath time is quite a challenge these days with her wet squirmy body trying to escape her infant tub 

These pictures are all courtesy of my mom (known to the girls as Grandma Ellie) who came to visit for a few days (& take a few hundred pictures of course!).

1 comment:

  1. LOVE these new pics of sweet Etta! She's got enough rolls for both her and Ellie :). Can't wait for your visit and for the cousins to play together!
