Thursday, July 18, 2013


to get a picture of us all smiling & looking at the camera with open eyes.
Maybe i should pull out jelly bean or mini marshmallow bribes
every 3 months to get decent family pictures!
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Vancouver during berry season

We had a wonderful visit with my family.
The girls love staying at Papa & Grandmas & seeing the chickens, cat & dog, playing in the big yard, swinging on numerous swings, picking ripe berries, etc etc!


the kids (withe help from Tom) set up a trap with carrots for bait to try to catch the wild rabbit they saw.
No animals got trapped, but they were amazingly patient and quite for a while as they watched and waited.

crushing ice for homemade ice cream!
Willa was a huge fan just like everyone else :)

We got to see my sister Cheryls new house & the girls enjoyed a tea party

It looks like she is prepping for a serious water balloon war.
But they actually just stomped on their own balloons.
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Willa's 9 month stats

She actually just turned 10 months. So I will be taking her 10 month pictures and posting them "soon". But for now, here are her stats from her 9 month appointment she had a couple weeks ago
weight: 16lbs 10oz (30%)
height: 28 (75%)
head 17 (50%)
I guess someone plotted things wrong last time because the doctor had to do a doubletake because it looked  like she had a significant weight percentage drop. But she is tall and long and is still growing well, so no concerns. I'm actually surprised that she is not above the 70% for height, but a small inaccuracy in measuring can make a big percentile difference for kids this age, so who knows!