Sunday, March 24, 2013

Willa is 6 months

Willa's half birthday fell on St Patricks Day.
So obviously her first food had to be green!

So the spoon goes on my nose?

Addie and Etta enjoyed making and eating homemade chocolate cupcakes
with green cream cheese frosting.
They are confident Willa will enjoy cupcakes when she is older.

Willa says: Guess how old I am?

6 months? can that be right?!

I'm getting pretty big!
Mommy has me in 9-12 month clothes.

The Dr says I am :
15 1/2 lbs (75%)
27in  long (90%)
16 3/4 head (70%)

(cute curls thanks to a fun bath!)

My sisters say I am sweet
and they sure make me giggle!
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Friday, March 8, 2013

Plain WA

We spent 3 nights in Plain WA for a family vacation.


There was a fun playground just 2 blocks from the cabin.

Addie really liked the teeter-totter. Etta slammed down hard once and then was not a fan.
Not many parks have this old school style anymore -
more chance for hurt but also more fun & more muscles involved!

If this was the only picture angle we took, you would think there was lots of snow.
But we were a little late in the season for it.
It was enough snow for the girls to have fun with
but not the winter wonderland it has the potential to be.

Willa's first time in a playground swing. She is not a fan yet.
Or maybe just not a fan of being bundled in so many layers

She is a fan of kisses.

Where is Etta?

Being silly for the camera of course.

Addie loved the sledding.

Matt and Addie built a big "bird nest" out of all the fallen tree debris.

Lots of time inside reading books and playing games.

And they crashed at night!

Overall a very fun trip!
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We took a family vacation to Leavenworth over the past weekend.
We rented a cabin in Plain WA and did a day trip to Leavenworth.
(more pcitures to come)

But here is some of their silliness during packing:


are those undies on your head or a bandana?

are they pants or a hat?

are they shirts or pants?
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There's a snake in my hand!

We visited the Reptile Zoo and the girls took turns holding snakes.
There were some pretty interesting things (2 headed turtle! albino alligator!)
The girls liked it.
I did too. I just stayed pretty far away from the cockroaches.
Ugh they were huge :(

We actually bought a dvd of "the Reptile Man" (owner of the zoo)
and his two kids and the reptiles they find on vacation spots.
Interesting and informative and enjoyable.

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No food for you!

Willa has been very eager to be up at the dinner table with us.
She loves sticking spoons in her mouth.
She tries to grab whatever food we are eating.
But I am holding out until she is 6 months.
I predict she will be a quick learner and a big fan of food :)

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013